EPA Air Sensors QA Workshop
Research Triangle Park, NChttps://www.google.com/url?q=https://sonicwall.url-protection.com/v1/url?o%3Dhttps%253A//www.epa.gov/amtic/2023-air-sensors-quality-assurance-workshop%26g%3DYWE5ODc4ZDg4Mjc2OGYxYQ%3D%3D%26h%3DNjczMTYxMGMxNjNkY2RjMmJkMmJiZGY5NmU5OTAzNTI4NGQ4Mzc1OTY3MTEyZmEyNjlmMDk2ZDI5ZWFkOGQyOQ%3D%3D%26p%3Dc3A1Om1hcmFtYTpzb25pY3dhbGw6b2ZmaWNlMzY1X2VtYWlsc19lbWFpbDo3MjQyMTMwNmIyZmRmMjA2YmUxYjNmNGM3ODE1YTI4NTp2MQ%3D%3D&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw0824uEjcmqkZWke0JNLSJI
WRAP Board Meeting
Air Quality Dispersion Modeling
Maricopa County Air Quality Dept 301 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZCOURSE DESCRIPTION: This 2-day training course is not intended to produce modelers but rather to focus on atmospheric science principles, model options, and configurations, as well as pre- and post-processing […]
Compliance Assurance Monitoring (PERM204)
Northern Nevada Public Health 1001 E. Ninth Street, Reno, NVCourse Description: Those completing this course will gain a basic understanding of the general information associated with compliance assurance monitoring. CAM concepts like background, 40 CFR part 64 (CAM) applicability, […]
Incinerators (TOXC222)
Northern Nevada Public Health 1001 E. Ninth Street, Reno, NVIncinerators (TOXC220): Course Description: This course will focus on the process, emission control equipment and inspection procedures of small to medium sized solid waste incinerators. The types of incinerators include […]
WESTAR Joint Planning and Technical Committee
The WESTAR Planning and Technical Committees will hold a joint call to hear about research and resources from the NASA HEALTH AND AIR QUALITY APPLIED SCIENCES TEAM (HAQAST). If you […]
Theory & Application of Common Air Pollution Control Devices (BASC107)
Northern Nevada Public Health 1001 E. Ninth Street, Reno, NVCourse Description: This course will provide a detailed introduction to air pollution control equipment and methods used to control particulate and gaseous air emissions. The course will cover theory, operation, […]
Rocky Mountain Wildfire Smoke Symposium
Denver, COAgenda and hotel info: https://www.toxicology.org/groups/rc/mtwsot/index.asp
ECOS Fall Meeting
Boulder, COTSC/WG Co-Chairs Monthly Coordination Call
Monthly Coordination Call with WRAP Technical Steering Committee and WRAP Work Group Co-Chairs Agenda Work Group Updates
WRAP Board Meeting